Dear DAD,
Thank you, for bringing mommy to the hospital every time she needs a check-up, for buying her my vitamins because you want me to be healthy, thank you for taking her to work so she won’t get tired and so that I will be safe.
Did you know that I can hear you every time you talk to me thru mommy’s tummy? When you ask me to behave so I can let mommy sleep? I am sorry if mommy is having a difficult time because of me, I didn’t mean to.
Did you know that I always look forward to every weekend, Saturday is my favorite day, because you go to the market and ask mommy whatever she wants and you would cook it for me because you want me to be happy. You are the best DAD J
I am sorry if I came to your life unannounced, I guess that’s how it is when someone is having a baby, nobody knows. I heard you when you and mommy had a fight, I feel bad that I was almost unwanted, but I understand, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t want you and mommy to fight.
I can feel too when you are having apprehensions about me, and I understand. After 7 years of waiting, finally I came around; I think I am a miracle baby because when my lola died, that is when mommy knew that she is having me. If you don’t want me, I understand, but I want you and I love you and if I have to choose over and over again, I would like you to be my father.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t have a nice crib, but I rather sleep in bed beside you, I don’t need a crib, your arms are enough to put me to sleep. I don’t need a huge space in the house, I am still a baby, and you can just carry me around if you want.
I hope that someday you will learn how to love me too.
I hope that someday you will learn how to love me too.
I love you Dad, I will see you soon, I bet we will have fun together.
Love, Peanut.
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