World, please pay respect to the princess. After the long wait, sleepless nights, baby shopping and the never ending name picking, finally --- Nina Sofia Temple B. Agustin is here. Weighing 9.2 pounds, 4 kilos to be more precise, I gave a C-section birth to an angel on November 1st, 2012.
We were all hoping for a normal delivery, but my last check-up with my doctor, she said that there she might opt for a C-section since she is overdue and it might create complications. Before I went to the deliver room and after giving daddy a see you later kiss, a few minutes after she's out.
I heard the doctor, 10:05am, she's a wonderful baby and very huge, I heard her cry, then I passed out, moments later I woke up in the recovery room and then asked for the nurse if I could see her before I go to my room.
I could not believe that this bundle of joy came inside of me, nurtured her for 9 months and the baby talks that daddy made just to ease the pregnancy pains paid off. The kind of happiness I'm feeling every single day that I see her is something that I will never exchange for anything else. My life is now complete, I have something to live for and to die for, I now have a purpose.
And to you my dear Temple, I will always love you, and give you everything to make you happy. You are a God's gift and I will treasure you for the rest of my life. And to you my darling Redd, thank you for helping me pull through, for all the love and the care, you are heaven sent. I love you both.